Vehicle Accident Photos
Review photos of others and submit your own!
We are looking for the best vehicle accident photos out there. Do you have any that you would like to share?
We would like to have funny and silly accident photos, the more the better.
We have done a short slideshow here, but we are working on increasing our collection. We need your help.
We are not only looking for car accident photos, we are also looking for photos of truck accidents, motorcycle accidents , train accidents, and pretty much anything that involves two wheels and a collision.
Oh yeah, cars in flames and explosions are favorites.
Click here to submit your vehicle accident photos now.
Do you have a photo of an insurance claim that is hard to explain? Or one that would be denied if the insurance adjuster sees what happened?
Sometimes the explanations are the funniest things. We like insurance, but we also have a sense of humor.
Car accident photos before and after the collision are very good ones to show.
Or you can show us pictures of the lousy paint job your body shop did when fixing your car. Are they claiming that the car is the same color as before? Let the people decide.
By submitting your car accident photos others will be able to judge the wreckage and add comments.
You will be notified once anyone has added or has something to say about your photo or story (if you want).
If you have a video, please see the Video section on how to upload your favorite videos (simple procedure).
Submit your Accident Photos
Click upload, find the picture in your hard drive, and then send. You are done.
Remember to tell us the story behind the picture (if there is any)... Visit us soon to see what others have to say.
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