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Stolen Car

I had my car stolen at a friends house, the keys were on the table, I don't know who stole my car due to a lot of people coming in and out of his place. Most of the people were homeless people who are hard to follow up with I filed a police report my insurance company has a claims investigator assigned to me Is this normal?

Do you think I will have a problem with my claim.


Yes it is normal. There are a lot of issues in your claim. Why are there a lot of homeless people in this house? The insurance company will be looking at not only coverage and whether or not the claim is legitimate (which is the right to do), but they will also asses whether or not you are insurable. If you frequent places where you leave keys around, and have no knowledge of who has access to the keys, then you are more of a risk to insured than probably an insurance company will be willing to take.

Simply be honest and tell the insurance company what and how it happened. The will cover your claim one they know it is legitimate.

Good Luck
Stolen Car

Comments for Stolen Car

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Jun 08, 2010
Stolen Car
by: Micah

My first vehicle was stolen 10/16/2009 the ins paid for the loss 15,500 in two weeks to date the car has never been found. I had items in the car that I showed proof of that total 10,000 from my calculations from theres it totaled 21,000 but they denied the claim sayin they believe I didnt have all those items in my car but they made me do two oaths, phone statement and other stuff and stilled denied me because they didnt want to pay the claim I feel.

6/7/2010 my 2001 Z06 CORVETTE was stolen it had a tone of upgrades 13,000 worth which I had just done 04/01/2010 I have reciepts and pics proven everything so does the ins company I gave them the recipts and pics a mouth before all this happen I had items in the car 2,000 worth from my calculations I also have pictures and recipts. My question is what kind of battle will I be facing with the ins company now that this has happen again so soon and they just paid me for a claim and denied me for another claiming didnt have those items in the car. Thank You

Oct 22, 2008
Car Insurance
by: David

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Oct 21, 2008
Delay of Insurance Claim
by: Anonymous

My car was stolen 2 months ago. I have infinity auto insurance. I reported my car and provided my insurance company everything they requested. Time keeps pasing and I get no answer. I call and they do not return my calls. Now 2 months later, I get a letter from the insurance attorney, requesting the same information I had already provided my insurance company, 2 months ago. I feel I am being ignored. My claim should have been resolved a long time ago. What do I do?


Contact the office of the insurance commissioner of your state and contact an attorney.

Good Luck

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