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Alabama Brain Injury Attorney
Alabama brain injury attorney defends you in a court trial concerning brain injury cases. An attorney understands how hard it is for a victim who has suffered from brain injury to continue living normally. In addition to that, the worst part of it is that it is even harder to accept that carelessness and recklessness of other people caused the injury and the damage.
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Our brain or nervous system is one of the most important parts in our body. It is not just used for thinking and decision-making but rather it controls everything in our body physically, emotionally, mentally, and psychologically. This is the very reason why we need to take good care of our body specially protecting our brain. Nevertheless, brain injury is a kind of injury that does not just hurt our physical body but damages our hope and outlook in life even more. There are four major forms of a brain injury an Alabama brain injury attorney can help you with:

- Acquired brain injury- an injury that is acquired right after the birth.
- Stroke- it is the arising loss of brain functions because of the disruption and trouble in the blood supply to the brain thus causing someone a brain damage.
- Brain damage- a deterioration of brain cells
- Traumatic brain injury- it is a damage caused by any outside force which hurts or harms the brain traumatically.This claim is usually worth substantial damages in the hands of a well qualified Alabama brain injury attorney.
If you notice, the first three forms of brain injury mentioned above are usually intrinsically acquired. On the other hand, the last one, which is the traumatic injury is the one caused by an accident or done intentionally or negligently by others. We cannot blame others as much as we blame ourselves for the stroke that we suffer because more than anyone else, we did it to ourselves.
Nonetheless, if a brain injury is the effect of someone else’s inattention and slackness, one could sue whoever is the responsible for the injury. In this case, you will need the help of the respectable and honorable K. Stephen Jackson, a member of the following organization:
- Alabama Association for Justice, a Sustaining Member and an Executive Committee
- Atlanta Bar Association
- Birmingham Bar Association
- American Bar Associations
- A life member of Muti-Million Dollar Advocates Forum
- Alabama State Bar
- State Bar of Georgia
- Georgia Association for Justice
- Alabama Super Lawyers from the year 2008 up to 2009 and 2011

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